
Discover the world of Spoke’n Chain, where art and adventure meet bicycles!

Publish the 23 May 2024


Cap’n and Molly Bikebeard, also known as Kevin and Sylvia, are the creators of “Spoke’n Chain”: a nomadic theatre company on bikes that embodies the spirit of community arts and sustainable travel. Since 2013, their two Mundo Lux have accompanied them on a daily basis as they travel through various European cities to present their theatre shows. In 2023, after more than ten years on Yuba, their bikes and all their personal belongings were stolen during a festival. Deeply moved by their story, we wanted to support them with new Mundo to enable them to return to their artistic activities as soon as possible.

Currently based in the south of France, they are creating their new show, a playful fusion of marionettes, kamishibai (Japanese theatre in which stories are told with scrolling illustrations), and stories about giants.

We asked them a few questions:

How was Spoke’n Chain created?

Our adventure began in 2008 when we were invited to create a cycling section for the Bristol Cycling City Carnival. And so Spoke ‘n’ Chain was born. We’ve also worked with a range of cycling arts organisations.

Over five years, we explored various aspects of the cycling world. We even helped form the legendary mini-bike dance troupe ‘Les Vélobici’.

In 2012, we found ourselves working more in the field of theatre. That’s when we started dreaming of the impossible: embarking on a big adventure by taking a small theatre show on the road.

So, in 2013, we launched our current project, “Quels Géants! Teatro Nomade à Vélo”, with our first show. Since then, we’ve led a nomadic life, combining the creation of shows with exploring Europe by bike.

A typical day in your life

When we’re on tour, we start our days by folding up our tent, loading up the bikes, and then travelling between 30 and 80 km to reach our next show destination. When we’re not performing, we spend a few months helping others through exchange networks, while working on our shows and exploring new horizons. The Yuba have been essential for getting around, doing the shopping, finding materials to build the show, collecting parcels from the post office…

How are the Mundo’s part of your daily life?

Our Yuba Mundo Lux cargo bikes, with the lovely names of Ramalama and Shakalaka, are not just a means of transport; they also carry everything we own—they are our home, our kitchen, our wardrobe, and our stage. Each one carries between 70 and 90 kg. Although capable of carrying up to 200 kg, we prefer to keep it a little lighter so that we can travel in peace with almost 100 kg of cargo and our powerful leg muscles!

Today we did our groceries for the whole week at the village market, which is 8 km from our home. We also sometimes travel up to 20 km to get supplies or materials for our shows. Our Yuba are with us everywhere, allowing us to explore new territory on every tour. Wherever they go, we go with them!


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